上海品茶后花园-爱上海同城交友论坛 桑拿新茶的联系方式 The speed of this poisonous fog seems to be slower than the speed of approaching the god beast.

The speed of this poisonous fog seems to be slower than the speed of approaching the god beast.

When God beast roars against the order cloud, that trick appears again, which seems to disperse the poisonous fog around him, but the effect is weak. Every roar can actually drive the poisonous fog back a little bit, but the poisonous fog has not been dispelled!
God beast’s eyes looked at this slowly approaching the poisonous fog, and he seemed to hear the sound corroded by this poisonous fog
At the same time, the three-eyed scorpion shouted proudly, "Don’t resist, little guy. Without my poison, even the tenth order doesn’t dare to pick you up hard, just waiting to be swallowed up by me!"
God beast roars again and again, but it doesn’t help. At this time, there is no way for the second-order Warcraft outside the poisonous fog. At this time, the three-eyed scorpion has been integrated with the poisonous fog, and they can’t find the target even if they want to attack.
They saw with their own eyes a hill dozens of meters high. This poisonous fog was slowly decomposed and then disappeared. This horrible poisonous fog. Two day order Warcraft can send out energy attacks, but their attacks were actually swallowed up by this poisonous fog.
At this time, the attribute points of Gao Chen’s body in the shops have reached a terrible level. Generally, the seven-order nine planets attack has ten points and can reach one hundred points, but Gao Chen’s body attack has reached one hundred and twenty points! Magic 100 points, spirit 100 points, this is still a physical attribute point, and then wear a 70-level suit, then this data will increase again
Although this is still inferior to the strong, it is not impossible to add all his skills, but now Gao Chen is distressed that it is necessary to continue to practice, because Gao Chen found that the increase of this attribute point is not as great as he imagined.
This data is just like it can limit the rise, but it is too much when needed. The last added attribute is that Gao Chenguan can only increase it after practicing for one year. This is obviously too slow. If you continue to close it, you don’t know how long it will take to add a little attribute before you can increase it again!
After reading one’s own skill level, Gao Chen was shocked by the proficiency he wanted behind. Up to now, it has been eleven months since Gao Chen closed. Five months ago, when the enchantment rose to level three, the acceleration was 237 times.
Up to now, he has been closed for more than 170 years, and now he has practiced all skill levels to level 10, but the proficiency required by level 1 makes Gao Chen dizzy. If he closes his practice again, Gao Chen estimates that he may be able to upgrade to level 1 again in another 100 years!
After thinking and thinking, Gao Chen finally decided to stop this time. After the decision, the first thing Gao Chen did was to break the seal, break the seal and kill three pets and half animals in the plain for a year. The experience department added it to Gao Chen’s experience bar and instantly reached level 10 and then level 11!
The experience gained when three pets hunted for a year actually made Gao Chen rise a little bit. I have to say that this requires a little too much experience. Just when Gao Chen broke the seal, he opened his eyes to Tianyu and said, "I actually broke through in eleven months. Now I really want to see where this small strength is!" …
By the eleventh level, the attribute point of Gao Chen’s body has reached 240 points, which is already a general order. Only two stars in this order have attributes. Busy, hit the attribute of Gao Chen’s present of the whole set of tenth level suits and equipment to 500 points, and you can launch an attack. It is ten times the body attribute and two thousand four hundred plus two hundred and six equipment attributes, which is two thousand six hundred!
At the same time, the half-beast was suppressed to death in the plain, and the god of death suddenly flashed a light, and the momentum soared. He can now attack to 26,600!
This can be compared with the general nine-order two-star. Although it is a lot fiercer, it still has a little gap compared with the nine-order five-star three-eyed scorpion. At the same time, another skill of Gao Chen shared success with the beast. This skill is extremely true!
Sharing success at the same time, the beast horse can display this tenth level of extreme qi, which can increase the body attribute point to three times. After one minute of extreme qi, the beast attribute point reaches nearly 10,000 points, which is the attribute of the strong in nine planets.
A roar dispelled a lot of poisonous fog. At the same time, the skill of God beast was broken and started. He had no weapons in his hand, but when he used this skill, a broadsword with a length of nearly 100 meters was trained to cut off mountains by appearing a knife to cut off the poisonous fog.
This is waiting for the ferocity to disappear. Looking at the three-eyed scorpion in horror, I can’t believe it. "Impossible, you can’t be that strong?"
"Roar ~ ~ ~ ~" God beast didn’t speak and quickly rushed to the three-eyed scorpion skill. Fire fencing started this skill. When the whole world seemed to be in a fierce flame, being in this skill target, the three-eyed scorpion felt like it was going to be melted by this flame!
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Chapter one hundred and thirty Take this little scorpion.
God beast, this fire fencing has reached the state of melting everything. The defense of the ninth-order Warcraft three-eyed scorpion is not high, but it is not enough compared with the attack of the god beast. The sudden strength of this god beast makes the three-eyed scorpion very puzzled, and a sense of foreboding rises in my heart.
What kind of monster is this? Not only does it cut its own poisonous fog field with one move, although it is a pseudo-field, it is not generally broken by the ninth-order strong! However, the hand of God beast is so fragile, and receiving this fire fighting skill gives him a danger of killing himself. Seeing that his tail suddenly tilted up, the freshman suddenly turned into a huge pair of scissors to welcome the fire fencing of God beast.
A crisp touch tone made the three-eyed scorpion step back involuntarily, but at the same time, he regressed, and at the same time, the God beast attacked again. Among the warrior skills that the God beast knew, there was a fire fencing that broke the three-eyed scorpion’s poisonous fog, and then a fire fencing that was picked up by the three-eyed scorpion. Although this made the three-eyed scorpion pay the price of burning its tail, anyway, the three-eyed scorpion was picked up. At this time, the two warrior skills of the God beast were still cooling down.
So this time, his attack means is the mage’s skill, ice roar, a huge vortex with a diameter of 10 meters, and a three-eyed scorpion appears with a low roar. When he retreats, he feels the magic of the beast, and the three-eyed scorpion is busy and fast.
"Impossible, you can’t be so strong. I want to eat you, and I want to get all your secrets." Three-eyed scorpions screamed with anger, and opened their mouths to spit out a mass of poisonous fog. This poisonous fog looks no different from that caused by time. This time, three-eyed scorpions spit it out, which is not only more powerful, but also consumes their own jingxie, which makes it ten times stronger than poisonous fog!
In the face of the strength of the beast, he had to make such moves. Although this fact is already a tenth-order skill, even if he made such moves, he was not sure whether he could deal with the beast. I have to say that his intuition was right. Although he was strong, his target beast was not within his control.
"Poison control is funny. I’ll show you what real poison is!" God beast cold hum a poison to hit him. Poisoning is also a horror level 10. This level 10 poison god beast supports this super-high attribute point. Even the tenth order of Warcraft can’t easily pick it up, let alone a ninth order of Warcraft.
"How did he become so tough as soon as he got there?" The iron-backed wolf and snake looked at the incredible mouth that sent the great God beast.
"Who knows? Anyway, now it can be determined that we are safe." The real unicorn was concerned and looked at the three-eyed scorpion with the expression of survivors.
"Yeah, look at this guy. He can put out this ninth-order guy." The iron-backed wolf snake was a little excited.
"Bang" suddenly cut the beast in front of them and said, "Now I have broken his seal and called the master."
"Ah, yes" was suddenly cut by the god beast and scared to death with a knife. Two busy monsters nodded desperately and then disappeared.
Watching the two Warcraft disappear and hearing the words of the beast, the scorpion with three eyes said in fear, "You still have a master. This is impossible. How can you still have a master?"
In his heart, the strength of his master will be stronger than that of his pet, and this beast is so strong that what kind of strength it will be to be his master, and listening to the beast means to call his master, how can it not make the third eye gamble on the scorpion fear …
When he turned around, his tail cocked up again, and the transient surface gave off golden light. His target of this attack was not the God beast, but his territory was locked by him in this respect, and the energy did not overflow during the fight. He strengthened this layer by layer to the point that even he could not easily go out. This was a good plan, but he did not expect that the God beast was powerful, which made him have to smash for his life!
"If you want to go, it’s so easy to see the meteor, fire and rain." Suddenly, a huge magic circle appeared with three eyes, and then huge fireballs appeared from the magic circle and instantly hit the ground with three eyes, which made the three eyes scorpion have to give up.
If he insists on breaking it, the result will be that it has not been broken, which will be extinguished by this overwhelming fireball. God beast attacks the three-eyed scorpion and has no strength to fight back. It feels wrong to hit the three-eyed scorpion.
That is to say, I have destroyed my strength, but I have never done so. Whenever I want to break away, I will be intercepted, which makes him very wronged, but my strength is not as good as that of people. Besides, I can still save my life anyway. He doesn’t know that it is a god beast. It is waiting for Gao Chen to come. Anyway, it is also a ninth-order Warcraft. If he is recovered, it will be a ninth-order pet!
Gao Chen was planning to go out and find some of his pets to go back to Fengshen Valley, but at this time, two-order Warcraft pets appeared in the shop. When he saw these two pets, Gao Chen questioned, "How come you met a powerful enemy and were killed back?"
"Yes, that’s not the case, master. We met the third-order scorpion of Warcraft …" The iron-backed wolf snake is busy reporting the situation to Gao Chen.
"Nine order of warcraft was not god beast opponent? Yes, his attribute is ten times that of me, which is equivalent to the ninth order. Since the ninth order Warcraft is not an opponent, haha, I have to hurry up and get there. "Gao Chen thought something in his heart and seemed to think of something in his heart."
"Tell me which direction it is, and I’ll go out." Asked Shekou, the iron-backed wolf.
"Just the northern part of the half-beast plain" The iron-backed wolf and snake disappeared just after Gao Chen said it. As soon as Gao Chen appeared in the shops, the shops moved to the north and noted the map at any time. After all, this is a powerful creature in the half-beast plain. If you are not careful, you will encounter a powerful one. He has to be careful!
Soon Gao Chen appeared. The scope of the three-eyed scorpion territory was far away. Looking at the three-eyed scorpion beast fighting, Gao Chen was shocked by this sight. Although he always knew that the ninth order was strong, how strong it was, it didn’t have a real sense, but now looking at the beast fighting with the three-eyed scorpion, Gao Chen can be regarded as white. What is a real strong one?

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