上海品茶后花园-爱上海同城交友论坛 各区高端喝茶会所 "The big ye is Atobe Keigo! It is Atobe Keigo! " Trace got up and held out his hand.

"The big ye is Atobe Keigo! It is Atobe Keigo! " Trace got up and held out his hand.

Is he trying to tell me that I can make a difference without the protection of my family? Xie Wendong got up and held out his hand "I remember Atobe Keigo" and took out a glittering business card from the west pocket "You can call me directly if you need any help!"
Trace department took the business card and glanced at the pure gold? The second uncle also tried to look up. "Your kind uncle accepted it, but the uncle woman is confident that she can protect it!"
Xie Wendong looked at his reaction and smiled. Is Atobe Keigo not afraid of being strong and not tempted by money?
"By the way, Dad, what did you just say, laughing so hard?" Back to the villa, Zhang Qi sat casually and asked …
"There are no children and big people. Don’t worry so much!" Three eyes raised my hand and patted Sophia Kao on the head. "Go to rest quickly. Don’t you have classes tomorrow?"
Oh, by the way, it’s the first game of Dongda competition, and I have to cheer for my predecessor Li Mo! "Oh, yes, Dad, how long are you going to stay this time?" Zhang Qi pull three eye hand doubt way
"There is nothing in the country. I will stay longer this time!" Xie Wendong said, "Well, let’s go to rest!"
Chapter 39 This first kiss is really an own goal! ! !
"Brother Ne, today is the first game of the East University Competition!" Limokou before leaving
“adaadadane!” Pull the hat in front …
"Then I’ll go that way!" Glass foam pointed to his left direction …
"I have a meeting to see your game on the other side later, so don’t lose the first game!" Yueqian put his hands in his sweatpants pocket and evoked a bad smile. "But Yueqian’s family didn’t lose the first game. Your precedent is good, and maybe you can enter the history of Yueqian’s family because of this!"
Stare at ….. Glass foam a bold eye shot in the past! Eyes burst into flames, hands clenched on both sides. "Brother has gone too far. I won’t enter the history of Yueqian’s family because of losing! Goodbye! " Turn around and leave decisively!
Hey? The fighting spirit is very high! The bad smile at the front corner of your mouth escalated and left in the other direction …
"Glass foam saa!" Zhang Qi saw the glass foam coming into the tennis court and the horse came running …
? ? ? Glass foam as directly go to the crowd …
"Here comes the glass foam!" Happy village smile mouth …
-You this is not nonsense? Glass foam continue to see …
Xing Cun continued to be calm and calm with a smile. "If there is no accident in the first round today, we will have a second game with Makoto. Let’s train first!"
Members are separated from each other for training …
Wheel? shi! It’s been designed again Glass foam stared at xing village bullet turned his training …
Huh? ? ? It seems that our little glass foam has turned into fried hair again! Walk past with a smile …
"Silly glass foam seems to be very unfriendly to me! Have I done anything wrong? " So poor expression …
Depending on …
Li Mo continued to swing the racket and hit the tennis ball as a lucky village to the dark guy in the wall! Damn it, plus pervert!
"Ha ha Li Mo, you are too strong!" Continue to smile with conscience
-ignore you!
"Ne Limo, be careful when you practice like this. How will you play later?" Smirk …
Glass foam look cold continue to see …
"Ha ha glass foam you …"
Shi, are you finished? Why didn’t you know he still had a dry tongue?
Li Mo lost her racket, and Lila was laughing with pride. Someone didn’t hesitate to open his mouth and bite at someone’s lips …
-How sweet! ! ! This creator is so worthless, so dry-tongued … Ah! No, we should bite it to death. Let’s see if his tongue is dry. Go on …
A silence …
Howl! My predecessor, Li Mo! ! ! Zhang Qi’s anger was burning and she rushed over …
Cut the original immediately pull the impulse, someone should know that impulse is the devil …
And the protagonist Xing Cun stared blankly for a second, and the horse smiled even more brilliantly. Her lips were as cool as delicious jelly, but it was perfect not to be so violent before …
This is my first kiss, but I can’t just forget it! But her habit of biting people everywhere is not good …
Hum, don’t you dare make my ears dry! Put his collar away from …
Want to leave? I haven’t finished calculating my interest! Xing Cun put her arms around her waist and held the back of her head with one hand, which was unusually gentle and deepened this’ kiss’ …
? ? ? What’s going on? Limo’s pupils are dilated. Look at the face in front of him. His eyelashes are so long. Oh, no, why not? Did I bother him? He’s the one who keeps arguing in my ear …

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